Call for Abstracts

Aquaculture Horizons will consist of stimulating program of plenary sessions, keynote speeches, panel discussions, round table discussions and exhibitions. We aim to make the conference a genuine two way process and as such, knowledge transfer, commercialization and industrialization can be further enhanced through the interactivity.

Key Topics

  • Artificial Intelligence in Aquaculture
  • Offshore Aquaculture
  • Aquatic Animal Welfare
  • Monitoring and Automation in Aquaculture
  • Governance and Risk Management in Aquaculture
  • Nutrition and Feed in Aquaculture
  • Seafood - Health - Production
  • Crustacean & Shellfish Research: Underpinning Aquaculture & Fisheries Enhancement

Abstract Submission

Interested In
Attach File
Sample Abstract File

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Overview of abstract submission and evaluation process:

  • Abstracts submitted to the Aquaculture Horizons conference should be written in English only.
  • Abstracts should be submitted as per the template available above.
  • Authors can submit their abstracts in Doc, Docx and Pdf format.
  • Any act of plagiarism is unacceptable.
  • Each abstract should be strictly within 1 page in length, contains about 500 words.
  • The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  • The type of presentation should be nominated while submitting the abstract.
  • The abstract submission should be made via conference website only.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings and the proceedings book will be distributed to all the conference attendees at the registration desk on the day of the conference.
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